[Eng] International Short Course 2024: Student Exchange Program with the University of Baguio, Philippines

29 May 2024 | Berita Utama

Yogyakarta, May 27, 2024 – The Faculty of Science and Technology at Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta is hosting the International Short Course 2024 as part of the Student Exchange Program with the University of Baguio, Philippines. This two-week program runs from May 18 to June 4, 2024.

Themed “Redevelopment of Urban Settlements in Facing Climate Change,” the event features 14 students from the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, 9 students from the University of Baguio, 2 students from the National Institute of Technology Yogyakarta, and 1 student from the Indonesian Institute of Technology (ITI) Tangerang.

The program began with a Welcoming Ceremony and Public Lecture held in the Amikom Cinema Room on May 20, 2024. It includes a series of masterclasses, field visits, and cultural excursions designed to deepen students’ knowledge of sustainable urban settlement development and climate change adaptation.

The agenda for the International Short Course includes the following activities:

Masterclasses with the Urban Planning, Architecture, and Geography Departments:

  • May 21, 2024 (with the Urban Planning Department): Topics include “Introduction to Indonesia’s Disaster,” “Introduction to Kampong Development in Indonesia,” and “Community-Based Neighborhood Participatory Planning.”
  • May 22, 2024 (with the Architecture Department): Participants will study “Participatory Mapping in Informal Settlements” and “Architecture Digital Studio.”
  • May 27, 2024 (with the Geography Department): Focus areas are “Augmented Reality in Architectural Design,” “Management of Water Resources to Support Integrated Development Areas,” and “Spatial Analysis of Public Facilities and Infrastructures in Regional Development.”

Kampong Visits and Field Observations: Participants will visit Kampong Notoyudan to observe and learn about various local community activities, providing firsthand insight into the life and challenges faced by urban settlements in Indonesia.

Cultural Excursions: Students will explore Yogyakarta’s rich cultural heritage by visiting the Kraton, Sonobudoyo Museum, and Prambanan Temple, gaining a deeper understanding of the local cultural legacy.

Final Excursion, Exhibition, Talk Show, Presentation, and Farewell: On the final day, June 1, 2024, participants will present the outcomes of their activities and learnings from the Short Course. This will be followed by an exhibition, discussions, and a farewell event to celebrate the success of the program.

This program aims to enhance students’ understanding and skills in addressing climate change through sustainable urban settlement development. Additionally, it strengthens international collaboration and cultural exchange among students from different countries and institutions.