Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Attended the 2nd General Assembly Silvanus Project which was held in ZVolen, Slovakia on 28-31 March 2022. There, Amikom was represented by 2 Postgraduate Lecturers at Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Kusrini, M. Kom and Dr. Arief Setyanto, S.Si, M.T. This meeting is a follow-up program of the SILVANUS International Project which aims to create a climate-resilient forest management platform to prevent and suppress forest fire. Funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Green Deal program and coordinated by Università Telematica Pegaso, The Silvanus project includes 49 partners from 18 Country with a budget of 23 million euros for 42 months.
In this International Project, AMIKOM is appointed as the leader for 6th Work Package which has responsible for developing resilience programs to keep forests sustainable when under various pressures, such as forest fires. At the meeting in Slovakia, Prof. Kusrini and Dr. Arief Setyanto presented various progress made in 6th Work Package during the first 6 months of the project running while conveying the need for support from other partners.
In addition, Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta has also joined as a member of other work packages that develop technology for preventing, detecting and handling forest fires. Members of this work package consist of many major universities and industries such as Pegaso, Tuzvo, CMCC, Dell, Intrasoft, Atos, Expert AI, Hitachi, 3Mon, Venaka, Z&P, and many others.
In this 4-day meeting, the work of Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta received many positive appreciations from partners in the consortium. Many partners offer support to jointly fulfill the achievements that have been promised to the grantor, namely the European Union Commission. Collaboration in this consortium is expected to produce works that provide tangible benefits to the world community.
Prof. Kusrini said that the meeting did not only discuss the Silvanus project, but also opened up other opportunities for collaboration with experts from various world institutions, to further strengthen Amikom’s contribution to the world community.
“This is one of the efforts of Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta to become a world-class university”, she said.